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The Scheduled Castes in India

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Book Code: 1111008613665

S.K. Chatterjee

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The Scheduled Castes in India About The Book Attempts have been made in this study to present an over-all profile of the Scheduled Castes from different dimensions i.e., facts, figures and their interpretations, the policy of segregation of a sizable section of Indian population on the basis of caste. Contents Origin and growth of Caste in India. • Reformatory Movements. • Effects of british rule on the Caste System-1. • effects of British Rule on the Caste System-II. • Appendix. • Bibliography. • Index. About the author/editor S.K Chatter jee has recently retired from the Indian Police Service. An anthropologist training and inclination, he kept himself in touch with the buring social isues. During his career he had occaion to deal with higholy sensitive problems corroding the integrity of the country. He has been consistently engaged in an indepth study that included both historical and constitutional facts and document with a view to finding out the causes and remedies. He has authored a number of books under the pen-name of Anriban Kashyap.

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